Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Another Day, Another Ultrasound

This morning I went for another ultrasound. The doctor wants to see if there has been any change in the cyst, and perhaps to get alternate views. I had complained to her about my experience at the other place, so she sent the requisition to a local hospital with a Women's Health Division.

My experience at this hospital was light years better than the clinic where I had my dreadful ultrasound several weeks ago. Since it was at a hospital there were towels and sheets to use instead of the paper cloths. The woman performing the ultrasound was professional and efficient without being too cold. There was also a curtain that provided privacy when I needed to disrobe and clean up afterwards. It went smoothly and towards the end she took a view to see how blood flowed through the ovary, which I have never had before. Now I am beginning to wonder if that was to check if there are veins running to the cyst.

DH is working at home today and drove me to and from my appointment. He is being sweet and caring about the whole thing; meanwhile I am obsessed about cysts and have been on the internet 'researching'. It is difficult not to think about this cyst that is in my body, and which I have no control over.

1 comment:

LibbyG said...

And "cyst" is such a vague term. So many things are "cysts." I'm so glad you had a better experience, and I hope you get some specific and reassuring information soon.